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(2)The Tiny Road so far: the new job

5/28/2016 I’ve started my new work schedule at my second part-time job that I’ve acquired at Fred Meyers. I’m starting there at 20 hours a week, in attempt to maximize the amount of money I’m bringing in over this summer, to fund my travels and then my build. I will be making just a few cents less that $10/hr there, along with however many hours I’m able to take from my first job, which pays usually between $15 and $20 per hour, but I’m not guaranteed a certain number of hours per week. In addition, I’ve taken some on-the-side jobs such as teaching Viola to a twelve year old girl, and babysitting for a family friend. I’m determined to generate as much money as physically possible before September, when I will be leaving for Belgium, so that I can invest what I have left after the trip into a towing vehicle. I will probably have to work for a bit longer at that point to be able to build the home, but we’ll see what happens. I’ll be graduating High School in exactly two weeks. I am still trying to learn SolidWorks, and I’ve finally started making a few small strides into success with my own 3D model of the house today. All I have so far is the bare base of the flatbed, because I’ve been having a lot of difficulty trying to figure out the sequence of things that the program will accept when I’m trying to make shapes relate with each other. I don’t know what it means when it tells me that I can’t extrude the boss base because the shape I’ve sketched has ‘more than one open contour’, and I don’t know how to build something with edges and then bend it along those edges. The fight continues, however, and I am applauding the little victories. I’m still so excited about the project. Thinking about the sustainable lifestyle, saving all of that space and money, being so efficient with my time and my money… it’s a great motivator to keep pushing myself to learn.

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