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You've found my humble webpage. Thank you! It may look a little confusing, what's going on here, I should know, it's still a bit confusing to me as well. The one thing I know is: My name is Campbell Walden and I just turned 18 years old on September 16th, 2016, and I am building my own Tiny Home before college.


Last year on September 17th, my family home burned out.

In this picture, you can see my mom's finger there, covered in black, tar-like soot that covered everything we tried to salvage. After recovering from the shock of the event, my mother, father, brother, and I came to agree that we had been unbelievably lucky. None of us were home at the time. My mom and I were watching my little brother play football, and my dad was at work at the hospital not far from our home.

We realized that the things we lost were not THAT important to us. And in the months that followed, we re-accumulated the essentials, and became aware of what we didn't need, what was just stuff that surrounded us for no reason, and how we could live so much less expensively for equal or greater levels of fulfillment.

This experience ultimately led to my decision, on April 13th, 2016, to begin this epic journey to create my own tiny home.

Since then, I have been researching, designing, gathering materials and information, to make this dream possible.

And that's what this is all about.

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